Computational Thinking week 3 graded assignment Complete Solutions Are Discussed In This Blog. We Hope This Might Help You All In Matching Answers . Or For Some Others Reasons If Not Able To Complete Graded Assignments
1-What will A represent at the end
of the execution?
Number of players who have won medal in the Year either after 2005 or before 2008
Number of players who have won medal in the Year either before 2005 or after 2008
Number of players who have won the medal in “Wrestling” in the Year 2005,
2006 and 2007.
Number of players other than wrestlers who have won medal in the Year either after
2005 or before 2008
2. What will B represent at the end of execution?
Number of players who have won the medal in “Wrestling” the Year either
after 2005 or before 2008
Number of players who have won the medal in “Wrestling” between 2005 and
2007 (end points are included)
Number of players who have won the medal in any other Sport except
“Wrestling” in the Year 2005 to 2008
Number of players who have won the medal in “Wrestling” in the Year either
before 2005 or after 2008
3. The following pseudocode is executed using the
“Scores” dataset. When will C be True?
If there exist less female students than male students from Erode
If there exist more female students than students from Erode
If there exist less Erode students than female students
If there exist more female students than male students
4. The following pseudocode is executed using the
“Scores” dataset. What will A represent at the end
of the execution?
Number of students who have scored more than 90 marks in all subjects
Number of students who have scored less than 90 marks in exactly one subject
Number of students who have scored less than 90 marks in all subjects
Number of students who have scored at least 90 marks in all subjects
5. The following pseudocode is executed using the
“Shopping Bills” dataset. Procedure countBills accepts a
card Y and a pile of cards Pile 1 from the
“Shopping Bills” dataset and returns True, if the TotalBillAmount of
the card Y is greater than the average TotalBillAmount of
shop from where the card Y is generated otherwise returns
False. The pseudocode may have mistakes. Identify all such mistakes (if any).
Assume that all statements not listed in the options below are free of errors.
It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).
Line 2 : Initialization of avg to 0 is incorrect
Line 2 : Initialization of count to 1 is incorrect
Line 5 : The condition to update amount is incorrect
Line 12 : Condition checking statement is incorrect.
6. The following pseudocode is
executed using the “Words” dataset. Let avg be a
variable that stores the average letter count of all words in the
40 points
What will A represent at the end
of the execution ?
Number of words which are pronouns and number of words with letter count greater than
the average letter count
Number of words which are not pronouns and number of words with letter count less than
the average letter count
Number of words which are not pronouns and number of words with letter count less than
or equal to average letter count
Number of words which are pronouns and number of words with letter count equal to the
average letter count
7. Suppose the condition to modify A is
changed as given below. What will A represent at the end of
the execution ?
Number of words which are pronouns and number of words with letter count greater than
the average letter count
Number of words which are pronouns and number of words with letter count less than the
average letter count
Number of words that are either pronoun or have letter count less than the average
letter count but not both
Number of words that are either pronouns or have letter count greater than the average
letter count but not both
8. The following pseudocode is executed using the
“Scores” dataset. At the end of the execution, A captures
the number of male students who have scored above subject average in at least
two subjects. Assume that the variables M, P and C hold
the average marks of the subjects Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
respectively. Choose the correct code fragment to complete the pseudocode.
9-The following pseudocode is executed using the
“Shopping bills” dataset. A stores the number of bills from SV
Stores with TotalBillAmount less than the average TotalBillAmount of
Big Bazaar and B stores number of bills from Big Bazaar with
total bill amount greater than the average total bill amount of SV Stores at
the end of the execution. Choose the correct code fragment(s) to complete the
10-The following pseudocode is executed using the
“Words” dataset. What will A represent at the end of the
Number of sentences with average letter count more than the average letter count of
verbs in the dataset
Number of sentences with average letter count less than the average letter count of
verbs in the dataset
Number of words with average letter count more than the average letter count of verbs
in the dataset
Number of words with average letter count less than the average letter count of verbs
in the dataset